Category Archives: Things I made

Pressman’s hats

September 17, 2019 It was Crazy Hat day a few days ago here at Hawthorne Gardens, my new home in assisted-living land. Robert and I are wearing historic hats—the kind worn by generations of newspaper press workers dating back to … Continue reading

Posted in Create, Journalism, making, Things I made | 5 Comments

A dot of happy

I use vintage handkerchiefs, found over the years in a dozen places. Some are in better shape than others, and as I carry them about from day to day, they wear out in their different ways. Some of them I … Continue reading

Posted in Gratitude, Happiness, Things I made | Leave a comment

Memories and fabric

On her While She Naps blog, quilter and designer Abby Glassenberg describes a new project, a quilt with 99 hexagons, each one representing a fabric in her stash. “I’ve had some of these fabrics for more than 10 years,” she … Continue reading

Posted in Create, Fabric, Happiness, making, Things I made | 1 Comment


Now that everyone has gotten whatever surprises there were, here are some of the things I’ve been working on in past months. Mostly, though, I forget to take photos before I give things away. I enjoyed making these cute little … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Gifts, Things I made | 2 Comments

I’m still here

I appreciate my blog. I do. I appreciate my daughter Lyza for quietly renewing the URL every year. It’s just that there are so many other things to do than write entries in it. Things mostly involving fabric and yarn, … Continue reading

Posted in Observations, Things I made | 2 Comments

My first quilt!

Thanks to sister Catherine, who lives in Cork, Ireland, for encouraging me to take up quilting. This is my first effort, a completed top from an idea in Cheerful Charm Squares, published by Martingale.*   Here’s the original version, which looks cleaner, … Continue reading

Posted in Things I made | 1 Comment