Category Archives: How to live


Dear God, Make this the best day. Let it be the day I love the most The day I am loved the most The day I am most just The day I act with the most integrity             Listen with the … Continue reading

Posted in Becoming, Gratitude, How to live, Poem, Writing | 5 Comments

And this was then

I found this item while rooting around in my old daily exercises. It’s like a fever dream. Every thought engenders another. My life was full then, and it is now. January 9, 2014 11:14 AM As I work in the … Continue reading

Posted in Create, Food, How to live, making, Observations | Tagged | 1 Comment


“To thine own self be true.” “Never get involved in a land war in Asia.” “Plastics.” Most advice I’ve gotten over the years I’ve forgotten or ignored. Sometimes I listen. Lately, two pieces of advice from 50 years ago and … Continue reading

Posted in How to live, Observations | Tagged | 2 Comments

Bucket baloney

Despite my resolution for this month (February), to avoid thinking, saying or writing negative things, I can’t get a recent Editorial Notebook from the New York Times out of my head. The title is “Last Things First for Patients With … Continue reading

Posted in Gratitude, Happiness, How to live, Observations | 3 Comments

Cleaning lady lives matter

  In an interview in the Sunday Business section of Sunday’s (Feb. 7)  New York Times,  Adam Bryant asked Walt Bettinger, C.E.O. of the Charles Schwab Corporation, about lessons he had learned in college. Here’s Bettinger’s response: A business strategy course in my senior year … Continue reading

Posted in Gratitude, How to live | 1 Comment