Some days I just don’t know when to quit. Most often, I have a Vitamix green drink, with ingredients like
- Whole apple or pear
- Other fruit (berries, kiwi, dates)
- Kale
- Other vegetables (spinach, parsley, celery)
- Orange, prune, or unsweetened cranberry juice
- Flax meal
- Lemon
- Ginger
- Water and ice
If I add an egg, the resulting texture is appealing and fluffy, like an Orange Julius.
Today breakfast was a throwback to pre-Vitamix days. I Â ate the fruit whole with some protein.
- Kiwi
- Apricot (why are they all so big? I liked the tiny apricots of my youth.)
- Tiny avocado (25 cents each at Kruger’s, just the right size for one) mashed with ume vinegar and hot sauce, spread on a crisp corn tortilla
- Hard-boiled egg
- Queso fresco
- and Coffee. Did you know that Americans get more of their antioxidants from coffee than any other source?
I forgot to take a picture.
Now, what’s for lunch?
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